Ice Melting Products in Minnesota
There’s nothing quite like the fury of a Minnesota winter! And, as if the heavy snowfalls and subzero temperatures weren’t enough, residents of the area know the headaches that ice can cause.
Step Saver provides solutions for your de-icing needs. Our customers have been very happy with our high-quality salt, as well as our mixed products that provide a more aggressive de-icing approach. What sets our service apart is the easy accessibility we provide with our bulk tank storage options and the reassurance that you won’t run out of product. Not only have we eliminated the need to rip open & dump bags, we’ve designed user friendly structures that make de-icing quick & convenient.
At Step Saver, Inc., we make it our business to help you prevent ice accidents of all types during our lengthy winter months, from minor slips and falls to more serious accidents that result in medical attention. As a premier provider of ice-melting products, you can count on us to supply you with nothing short of the best!
Ice Kut is an environmentally friendly, safer ice-melting product that is extremely effective.
- We provide 40 lb bags of Ice Kut for commercial/industrial customers. Sold by the bulk or bagged pallets.
- We offer an ice kut dispensing tank for purchase or for lease. This eliminates the need for opening, lifting, and dumping bags into a spreader. Simply place a bucket, small spreader, or even truck spreader under the tank, open the slide gate and fill!
If you’re tired of lugging around huge bags of deicing salt every winter or waking up in spring to see dead grass that’s the result of your winter de-icing regimen, Step Saver, Inc. is here to show you a better way. Contact us today to learn more about our ice-melting products or to inquire about how we can assist you this upcoming winter before the ice claims another victim. Contact us at (507) 697-2057 today.